During the pandemic, my husband’s job brought us to Tennessee, somewhere we’d considered moving to since we were in Buffalo, NY for dental school. It was always kind of on our side radar of somewhere we’d like to live. We found our dream home (shortly after moving into a different house!) in Knoxville and have since fallen in love with this beautiful state. The weather, the people, the scenery, the Vols, rivers, lakes, trees, flowers, charming homes. It was exactly what we’d been looking for. We found what we hoped would be our “forever” home. Although, I’ve learned not to say that anymore.
Finding our dream home didn’t solve life’s problems but it did give us refuge to weather the storms of life. Creating a home is my passion and I was able to do that here. I started homeschooling the boys and it’s been one of my most treasured memories. Having them home for the last 4 years in this home was something I’ll cherish forever.

While we’ve been here in Tennessee, we’ve had so many highs and lows. I’ve shared some of them. I don’t want to get into details but I’ve struggled with severe anxiety, seasons of depression, religious concerns, relationship changes, work-related challenges. I had some hormonal and health issues – likely brought on by the extreme stress I was taking on.
I always try to remain positive but the challenges were piling up and my body was breaking down. I’ve tried to navigate sharing my life online and dealing with the negativity that inevitably comes with it; mean comments, gossip, trolls and just rude feedback about my home and my life. When you put yourself out there, it is pretty much inevitable but it just is what it is. I try to delete and block and not concern myself too much with that part but it does weigh on you after 14 years.
Wake me up when September ends.
In September of 2023, I hit a low point. We were renovating our backyard all last spring/summer and looking back, I used it as a distraction from the overwhelm, loneliness and anxiety I was feeling. It worked some days. I was so excited about it and it was turning out beautifully so it kept me going. I was having about 4-5 bad days a week where I could barely function. I was so, so sad, all the time. It wasn’t the life in front of me that was wrecking me. It was the life behind me that I was still dragging along. Little Mallory was so so broken deep down inside. I was ready to go to a doctor to get help with it, but I didn’t. I was afraid to be put on medication due to family history issues with it and I just couldn’t, even though I’m certain I needed something. I let my family’s past and my own fears stop me from getting the help I desperately needed.
I launched Monarch Home on September 13, in the middle of this low point and it only pushed me down further. The workload involved was too much. I was adding SO much to my plate and literally didn’t know how to ask for help. There were days when I considered shutting it all down. I’m an Enneagram 3 and struggle hardcore with asking for help. I think I “should” be able to handle it all and I couldn’t. I feared Craig would give up on me because I felt sad 80% of the time. Spoiler alert: he didn’t.
In the fall, I started working with a functional health doctor to get my hormones figured out. My thyroid was acting up and I was diagnosed with MTHFR which required some dietary changes. I had every symptom of PMDD too. I started working with a therapist to learn how to heal from past trauma and pain that I was convinced was causing my anxiety and depressive episodes. I’ve worked through so much over the years but I felt unable to use the tools I’d learned anymore. What once worked, simply wasn’t.
The grief and emotional pain was too much and it was manifesting into physical pain. Finally asking for help saved me, then it changed me although it took months for any relief. Since getting help, nearly every aspect of my life has changed. I started prioritizing my health and healing. I slowly started to see the light. I finally started to feel like me again. I started to feel creative (this was a big deal!) and felt the debilitating anxiety that I had learned to live with, dissipating. Dissolving. I felt like the real me for the first time in years. Free.

A new year
I consider myself a happy person. I’ve practiced gratitude much of my adult life after having an extremely dysfunctional and traumatic childhood. Those that have been around for a while know there are parts of my childhood story that have holes in it. They’re big holes. I’ve always looked for the good in life and in people and it’s carried me through a lot of trials. I think I was generally happy but I battled anxiety and sat on the edge of depression for most of my adult life. Not always because of circumstances, but because I had unaddressed trauma from childhood that was quite literally trapped inside me, buried, constantly triggering me into feeling worry.
In January, I felt like I was coming back to life. I know that sounds insanely dramatic but it was as if this heaviness and fog had lifted. I started healing from everything I had buried deep down. I prioritizing myself, relationships, friends, and community after 3-4 years of sort of isolating myself outside of my smallest circle of family and friends. I started to dream again.
In the last couple of months, my mind has felt clear. I am happy. Really happy. I started to notice that unsettling feeling that often warns me when a change is coming. It wasn’t a bad feeling but it was something. It’s definitely a feeling I recognize. We all felt it. We knew something was going to change. Not sure what. We stumbled through a few ideas like traveling, flipping a property, investing in a vacation home, buying land and building a homestead — all things we’re still considering in the next few years! Very exciting ideas!
We all generally felt like things were good but all 7 of us felt like we wanted to be closer to our family and friends. Every family meeting led us to that conclusion but we were stumped so we carried on. Our family and closest friends, live all over the country so that was difficult to address. We had some family move out here last summer but they’ve all since returned out west.
We’ve found ourselves driving to Nashville quite often because most of our Tennessee friends live there. We kept feeling this pull to go that direction but I couldn’t fathom the idea of leaving our dream home that I’ve worked so freaking hard on so we just continued to drive 3 hours there and 3 hours back to see them.

We spent Spring Break and Easter in Nashville with several of our closest family friends. You know the friends that feel like family? Kids feel like cousins, girlfriends that feel like sisters, girlfriend’s husbands that feel like brother in laws. A bunch of our “chosen family” were all together for Easter weekend. It was so much fun! I couldn’t help but notice how much fun the boys were having. I felt whole with my girlfriends there and our kids running around the farm. I noticed Craig having real, meaningful conversations with our friends, something I hadn’t seen him do in a long time. In this big group, we belonged. I pulled Craig aside and told him I think we had to move there. I told him how I’d noticed him and the boys and he said he’d noticed too. My head was spinning. This tug wouldn’t let up but I was holding on TIGHT to my Knoxville home.
Fast forward just a few weeks, we put an offer on a home in the Nashville area and WE GOT IT. We found a home, in a gorgeous neighborhood, with a million projects to do, just minutes away from a ton of our friends, including the Gizzis!! We will be just MINUTES apart!
As I’m sure you know, there are MANY MANY things to consider when moving. This was a personal decision, carefully thought out by Craig, our boys and I. While I think moving to be near friends is an amazing idea, there are SO many other factors, many that aren’t mine to share that led to this decision. We obviously have to consider Craig’s current career and his goals, my businesses ( a lot of big things coming!!!), current and future financial goals, our kids schedules, sports, friends and desires. Church, family, travel, etc. I’m not going to share all that went into it but while we posted it “out of the blue”, know that there’s A LOT more to the story!

I’d be lying if I didn’t cry at the thought of leaving our current home but at the end of the day, it’s just a building. I made it “home” and I’ll do it again. Our new home is on a beautiful lot and has great bones but is due for a full remodel! How convenient! This won’t be our forever home but it is perfect for our next step.
Our BIG dream is to build a home similar to our Knoxville home but with some land and a barn in the NASHVILLE area!
There’s a lot going on but let’s just say I AM MANIFESTING some things that are SO dear to my heart. IT’S HAPPENING!
Update: The praying and manifesting WORKED!!! Craig’s brother (the one that used to be married to my sister!) his wife and their 6 kids, moved to Franklin!!! He was looking to relocate but his career was leading the relocation and he literally landed an amazing job right here in Franklin!

I’m so excited to take y’all along for the ride and I’m so ready to see the future we’re creating!
Amazing! So happy for you to be near friends. I can’t wait to see all the projects on the new home!
I can’t wait to share them! Thank you!
How exciting! Congratulations on your new adventure! It will be a blast to see you remodel your new home! Do you think you’ll keep homeschooling your boys?
Amazing Mallory!! Excited for y’all 💕 Will be praying for your journey and precious family! You’ve got this sis!!
You are so kind, thank you for being here!
I have loved following you since the classy clutter days and I am praying for you and your family and that what’s best for ya”ll will work out! ❤️
Thank you so much!
This is exciting and I am so happy for you guys
Thank you!
Love this. Love you and your sweet heart. I’m so sorry for the struggles you’ve gone through, and I’m so grateful you never gave up. I’ve had a rough season recently too, and I was just telling my hubby I think I need to talk to a counselor about it… Thanks for being so wonderful and so inspiring,even on days when you didn’t feel like you were, or know you were- you were. I’ll keep praying for God to guide you through all this.
I’m so happy for you all I am thankful you share real life! It helps me! Im thankful! 🦋🦋🦋
I am so happy to hear that it helps you! Thank you for sharing that with me!
Congratulations on the new pathway. It takes a lot of courage to make life changing decisions! I’m here for it!
Thank you!!
So happy for your new adventure! I really feel you, with friends and seeing your husband connect and have meaningful relationships is so big, a home is where you all are! Thank you for sharing your heart! Really glad I read this, wish I could give you a hug and say thank you!
Sending you a virtual hug! xoxo
East TN will miss you, but happy that you’re making moves for your heart and heath. I always looked around when in HD thinking I may run into you 😊
So thrilled for you and your beautiful family. I love how invested you are in your healing and happiness. Keep being the light for us all.
Thank you SO much!!
Thanks so much for being so open about your struggles. I think as a Mom, wife and career girl …..and you home school all of your boys, that is a very heavy load to handle. This move to be near those that love you, your husband and boys, sounds like a perfect situation! I look forward to seeing how your new adventure plays out!!!!!! God bless you and your entire family.
It’s tough out there, but we can do hard things! Thank you so much for your support! I can’t wait to share our upcoming adventures!
Your news and story of pulling through, makes me so happy for you and your family. I love your IG stories and the renovations. I can’t wait to see what you do next!
Thank you! I look forward to sharing them!
This makes me SO incredibly happy for you and your family!!! I cannot wait to see what’s next! Good luck on the move and know that whomever decides to buy your house…they are SO lucky to be somewhere where love was poured into every floor board and paint stroke! Wishing you and your family all the best in this next adventure!
Thank you so much! This makes me so happy!
Thanks for sharing your personal journey, even with the negative aspects of that. So many of us are on your side and cheering you right along. Congrats on this next, happy step! May it bring great happiness and joy!
Thank you for following along!
Coming from a country on the other side of the world (and hemisphere lol) I am so happy I came across you on IG. I have loved watching the beautiful home you, Craig and the boys created. I am 100% Confident that you will achieve it again. Home is your family, and as you said, a house is just a building.
As someone who is in denial about their mental health, I truly Thank You for sharing your trials and your journey. I know what I need to do, now I need to be courageous.
#familyisnotjustblood #livewhatyoulove💞
Wow! I am so glad you did as well! Thank you for sharing and for your support!
I’m so happy for all the sunshine that’s back in your life and for your beautiful supportive friends!! You’ve got this and I can’t wait to follow along on your incredibly exciting journey..🩷
Hugs!! xoxo
I so appreciate that! Thank you so much!
Thank you for posting this. I have followed you for awhile now your life has always looked so perfect. I know not to assume that about anyone but to know you struggled so much behind the scenes is sad. I am glad you have found answers and are doing much better!
Thank you so much for your support!
Thank you for your kind words!
I wish you, your husband, and your boys all the best. You and your dear family deserve all the happiness. I am have been a mental health nurse for almost 10 years. Everything you said resonates with me. I wish you happiness 😊.
What a great achievement of almost a decade of helping others with mental health! Thank you, Kim, for the kind words!
I can only imagine how hard of a decision it was to leave your beautiful home, you have put your heart and soul into it! I’m so so sorry for all of the ups and downs you have been through. I suffer from PTSD and major anxiety disorder myself so I can relate. It is crippling. I will be keeping your family in my thoughts and praying for all God‘s glory to be shined upon you and your new adventure! Best wishes, to the whole family, you guys are strong and solid, and that will get you through anything! Have fun!
It was a hard decision, but so so excited for what the bright future holds! Thank you so much for your kind words!
Thank you for sharing this. Some of us that have followed you since Arizona felt somewhat entitled to know the reasons behind this move LOL. Of course we shouldn’t , as you stated it’s many people involved and many reasons for it. You did such a great job hiding your depression and I’m sure that took a bigger toll on you. Glad to hear you found a way to heal. I am excited for you to take us along on his new journey. Thank you for always sharing your live.
I appreciate your support!
Thank you for sharing your sweet soul with us! Some of us need to hear these stories and realize we aren’t alone. I cannot wait to see your next project! You go GIRL!
I cannot wait to share the next project! Thank you for listening and for your support!
I’m so happy for you! I hope this move brings you peace and happiness!!
Thank you, Jenna! It was a hard decision, but I know it will bring so much joy!
Hello sweetie-
You are a true inspiration and I know that God has a bigger and better plan for you, just know that he will never give you nothing that you can’t handle. I’m so very excited for you and your family and this next chapter in your life! Thank you so much for having the courage to share the way you have.
Lots of love and blessings,
Kristina Tonis
I appreciate your sincere words and support! Thank you, Kristina! We are so excited to see what the future holds.
What’s important is that you’ll all be happy and together with people that love you. You’re right that house was just a building, wherever your family is makes it a home. Good luck in your next adventure. Stay strong.
So true! Home is where your heart and family are! Thank you so much for the support!
You will love Nashville. We loved living there. Now I live in Santa Rosa Beach, I love it here. Too. Time and time again I have said, The time, money and work you spend on yourself, your marriage and your kids is the best Time, Money and Work ever spent. I have loved following you and your family. You’re a joy to watch as a creator. Thank you for sharing your precious family and Amazing husband with us. You guys are doing Great things and I wish you nothing but love and success.
Such true words to live by! It has been so much fun sharing my journey with all of you! Thank you so much!
Mallory, , your honestly and your courage has always been inspiring to me! I’m so excited for your whole family. And I will be eagerly cheering you on from afar. Sending you a giant hug xx
Sending you a hug right back! Thank you so much, we can’t wait!
I think you are amazing! Wherever you live, you will make beautiful; thank you for sharing all of your creative power with us. I am so glad you are healing and I am so sorry to hear of your sorrows. Best of luck to your family!! I am excited to see all you do in your new place!
I am so glad to hear it has helped you! Thank you so much for the support. Exciting things are on the horizon and I can’t wait to share more when the time comes!
So happy for you and your family. You can make any house a home. Ignore the ‘mean’ girls and you do you. Keep working on yourself and do the best you can. You’ve got this!
I agree, you can make any house a home! YES! We can do hard things! Thank you!
You are a beautiful human. Thank you for being authentic and vulnerable. You have no idea how many people you may have helped or validated. That are/were going through similar situations. I don’t know you personally, but I feel like I do. Thank you for being YOU! Best of luck to you and your family on your continued and upcoming journey.
It isn’t always easy, but it is a must! I so appreciate you being along for the journey and for your kind words! Thank you!
You are amazing. That’s some hard stuff and I’m sorry for anything you have gone through and are still dealing with. But I am so excited for all thats ahead of you! I’ll be here cheering you on the whole way.
The support means more than you know! You are amazing for your kind words! Thank you for sharing!
I love chosen family. Sending positive vibes on this next chapter of life.
Positive vibes accepted! Thank you!!
Many of us seem so “high functioning” but in reality are just trying to cope, trying to feel good. Your story is representative of so many. The world needs to hear more “real” stories like yours. Thanks for sharing.
And thank you for your support!
I’m so excited for you and your family! Your best days are ahead!! Thank you for your authenticity, for sharing your process and for prioritizing your faith, family, health and wellbeing. You are inspiring and I am so grateful for your courage to pursue healing. You’re leaving a great legacy for your family, and you graciously and bravely allow all of us the privilege to follow your beautiful life story. Praying for smooth transitions for all of you and great blessings and joy in the journey!
Your prayers and kind words are so appreciated! Thank you for being a positive light here and supporting my journey! We are so excited about what the future holds!
Congratulations! You seem truly incredible and this is a great example of how you don’t see the things people go through on the internet so people have no place to judge! Franklin is THE CUTEST town and I can’t wait to watch you remodel again!
Thank you so much for the support! We are so looking forward to exploring our new town!
Thank you for being so vulnerable in your blog post.
Living your life on social media must be so challenging. As followers we fall in love with the people and their families and I have no doubt that many feel personally invested and then judge your choices without knowing the reality of your life.
I’m also confident that you’re helping many that may be struggling with similar things.
I wish you and your family nothing but happiness in your new chapter of life. 💕
Vulnerability is hard, but so important! My hope is also that my experience helps others going through a difficult season in life. Thank you for your kind words and for being so supportive!
So happy for you and your family! It makes me sad that you were struggling so much! You are such. Light to me! I love to follow you and all your projects and your cute boys! Can’t wait to see you transform another house into a beautiful home! And how fun to be so close to great friends!
It will be such a blessing to be closer to friends. Thank you so much for your kind words and support! I appreciate you!
So grateful that you feel hope again, Mallory. Congratulations on your new home. It’s obvious this next season will bring much joy to all of you. Well deserved. Wishing you nothing but peace, joy and happiness.
So grateful as well, thank you so much for the support!
We will miss you all! Thank you for all the times you’ve invited the boys over for. They’ve had some great times there!
Becca! We will miss you! So many good times and so grateful for the memories!
It sounds like you are back to living in the sunlight of the Spirit. Praise God!
Please contact iapmd.org/about-pmdd for help if needed.
You are a wonderful mother and wife. We love you!!!😘
Thank you so much. xoxo
I wish you all the best in this next chapter. Over the almost 37 years I have been married we have owned six homes, rented one apartment and a home in another country. Every one of those places was home because of the people in them and the memories we made there.
So true! Home is where the heart is!
I may not know you personally, but I’ve been following your journey for years and have watched you flourish. Being a parent is tough, and we often strive to be strong for our family. Yet, you’re excelling. You’re aware of your areas for improvement and are actively working on them. Perfection may be unattainable, but you’re definitely on the path to happiness. It’s commendable that you recognize this and are pursuing it—many people don’t. Keep smiling and stay focused on what brings joy to you and your family. I’m excited to see where your next adventure leads.
Thank you for sharing. I appreciate it! Cheers to new adventures!
Thank you for sharing I have been there and never ask for help! My daughter calls me the people pleaser, we please everyone but ourselves. Recently, I spent two years in therapy and it helped immensely. Although my husband and I just started couples therapy like you it’s complicated. Good news, I hate that I am not going to see your amazing house …..but so excited to watch you make your next home beautiful and find that amazing land to rebuild your magnificent home. So happy you will be close to Making Pretty Places. ❤️❤️
Thank you for sharing, Andrea! Asking for help is hard but necessary sometimes. Thank you, I can’t wait to share more!
I think the best part of this is that you’re looking for community. We all need that so desperately and I’m sad you didn’t find it here in Knoxville (I live here too). I hope your whole family feels at home in Franklin and you feel at peace there!
yes, family is so important! Thank you!
Life and plans change. I know you love this home . But you and your family being happy and healthy is all that matters. And as long as y’all are together home is with them.. I can’t wait to see all the amazing projects you do on this new chapter in your life..Welcome to Nashville!!!
Agreed! 🙂 Thank you, I can’t wait to share more soon!
Cool! Can’t wait to see what you do! Life is hard and it hurts sometimes…my grandma used to say it’s how you know you’re really alive
Your grandma was wise! It’s so true! Thank you!
Thank you so much for sharing your story. I have had my own struggles with letting things I had no control over affect my current life. It’s so hard to see your way out of when you are in the thick of it – or when you are dragging your past around with you. I am happy to say that I am on the other side of things I have struggled with my entire adult life and the best way I could explain it to my husband was that I felt like I had cancer for 20+ years. I tried everything in the world to find a cure. Radiation, home remedies, etc. But when I finally found my solution – there was a HUGE weight lifted off of me and I FINALLY FELT CURED! I still struggle every once in a while – but it is only every once in a while!!! I’m so grateful that I put in the work and that I knew I was worth it and that my “cure” was out there.
Thank you again,
Hugs and blessings to you on your journey!
Life is full of struggles and we all will continue to have them, but working to find the solution is so important. I am so glad you found yours. It is so freeing! Thank you!
I am beyond proud of you for having the courage to sharing your struggles & your journey with us. You are honoring God so much with your vulnerability. Your obedience to Him is so inspiring. I know that He will continue to use you, because He can trust you. My prayer continues to be with you & your family. And I cannot wait to see what God will do next for you. 🦋
I can totally relate to childhood trauma then that leading into depression. Also know how much it means when you have kids to have family around. I think you have such a talent for design you can make anything beautiful so I know this house will be too!! Congratulations I hope everything falls into place and you feel happier then ever.
I so appreciate the comment and kind words! Thank you!
I’m so proud of you! You are so brave and encouraging for other women that are also struggling. I cant wait to see what you have in store for the future.❤️
Britta, thank you! I hope it helps others as well!
I’m so glad you got help, you found clarity and you’re getting back your life!
Thank you, I am so grateful to be where I am!
You mentioned religious struggles and also a church family in your post. My prayer is that you are actively seeking the one True God of the Bible. I’m not saying to reject help, therapy, or good friends; but Jesus Christ is our ultimate healer and seeking Him first is the only true path to complete healing. God may use many means to rescue you but His Word is His primary extension of Himself in an effort for you to get to know Him who alone can take away your sins, doubts, sorrow, anxiety, depression, etc.
Much needed prayers and support. Thank you!
My lifes mottos have changed through all of the different seasons of my 64 yo self. But for ages it’s been “life is subject to change”. I love how brave and from what I can tell fearless you are. And that your family is right there with you. It’s always exciting to see what comes next and what “mountain” you will climb!
I’m so sorry for all the trials and pain you’re having to endure. You have the loveliest family and you should know and be proud of all the beauty you have created and leave behind for another family to love and enjoy. You have given so much to so many and I’m glad the few that don’t understand and dare I say jealous aren’t going to knock you down. My advice is to take your breaks when you need them. Your true supporters will always be here to cheer you on. Congratulations on this new exciting adventure 😘💋
Sonja, what a perfect motto. Life can throw you curve balls, but it all works out in the end! Thank you for your support and kind words.
So, so happy for you and your family. I cannot to see what you do with the new place. Praying God continues to bless you abundantly always. Xoxo
Your support is greatly appreciated! Thank you!
I am so sorry to hear about your struggles, but thank you so much for sharing! Your honesty and vulnerability is what we need. We see all the ‘pretty’ but it’s nice to see normal! It helps us relate! Blessings to you and your family!
Thank you! I agree! Life is a rollercoaster of ups and downs and it’s important to share!
Thank you for sharing this vulnerable story. You are incredibly talented and have such a good heart. You will make HOME anywhere you land.
Good luck to you and your cute family! 🥰
And thank you for receiving it and for your kind words! We are so excited!
I always say….humor God, make plans! Congratulations on your new journey with your family. Change is hard but wonderful at the same time! Wishing the very best on your new adventure! Lots of love and keep on DIY’ing!! 😂
Thank you for following along and for your support! You are right, change is hard, but good at the same time!
You have no Idea How much I love, absolutely love, every inch of your insta. Your story, The hurdles of life that you have surpassed. You are THE WOMAN! i haver four boys, have been thru a real days of our lives soup opera, a,nd couldnt be more excited for you. We value our family our boys The same way! and rest assured that you have a 48 year old mom ALL The way down in Río de janeiro, Brazil, that IS cheering for you every step of The way and Will remain that way! Couldnt be more proud of you! ALL your dreams Will manifest into reality! Cant wait for This new chapter of your life! Love youuuu, best, Grazi
Grazi, I so appreciate you sharing some insight into your own story! It’s not easy, but moms can get through anything! You are the best! Thank you!
I’m so happy for you and your family. Wish you all the best in this new journey. Can’t wait to see all the new projects.
Thank you! Looking forward to sharing all the new projects!
Love this for you and your precious family! Change is good and I can’t wait to see what’s next! Hugs and prayers for your next journey!!!😊
Change is hard, but so good sometimes! Thank you so much for your support!
It’s so important yo surround yourself with people who make you happy. You can make a house your home anywhere. So excited for you!
So so true! It is so important! Home is where the heart is. Thank you!
So happy that you are finding a place you belong. You leave beauty trails every where you go. Happy for you friend. I’ve had to take big steps back from online presence too. It’s a lot sometimes! So happy you’re taking care of you and your sweet family. Love you friend!
You get it! I appreciate the support and kind words more than you know! Thank you!
Congratulations! Life is a journey full of unexpected turns and if God is leading the way, you know you are on the right path. Best wishes with the move!
I can’t thank you enough for your support!
I’m So Happy for you all!! It’s going to be great! Looking forward to seeing the journey!
Thank you so much! I appreciate it xox
Home is wherever your husband and children are…..go for it!!!♥️
I agree! Oh, we are in deep now and so excited! Thank you!
Looking forward to seeing what you do with your new home! Good to be closer to your friends! You made me he right choice.
We were in Franklin the first weekend in May for our nephews wedding. We love it there!
Thank you so much, Sherry! I appreciate the kind words!
Thank you for your honesty and hopefully it was cathartic sharing how you’ve been feeling for so very long. I’ve enjoyed following your journey through your moves, home projects and your lovely family. I wish you only the best. It’s always right to follow your heart and gut. Nashville will be lucky to have you all. Can’t wait to see the new home and your planned projects. 🙂
Carole, that really means a lot. Thank you for your support! I am so grateful. I can’t wait to share them with you!
I love your bravery, your endurance, your humbleness, thank you for sharing and for inspiring! I can’t wait to see what’s in store for you and your family, and wow, who ever buys your renovated homes are so so blessed ❤️
Wow, thank you for the support and kind words! It is so appreciated! We look forward to sharing our journey with you!
I’ve always been so proud of you, but this post takes it to a whole new level! Your future is so bright, and please know we are cheering from you in Arizona! ❤️
Your kind words and support mean more than you know! Thank you so much for sharing them with me!
Looking forward to following the upcoming remodel! Very happy for you all ❤️
Thank you so much! We can’t wait to share it with you!
Thank you! We are so excited!
I’m so happy that you’re finding peace and balance in your life. I’ve been following since Mesa, I started for the DIY and just adore your family.
I can’t imagine how hard it must be to open up with so much vulnerability to a world of strangers. Many that can be so cruel. Just know that you’re not only helping to show people how to create a beautiful home but to prioritize their own well being and family. I’m very happy for you, Craig and your sweet boys. I can’t wait to see how you make this house into a home and follow your continued journey to heal. I think many of us have been through similar and painful past and it’s good to know we’re not alone. I wish your family nothing but the best. 💕
Thank you so much! Your support means a lot!